It’s Gettin’ Real

“God is never late and rarely early. He is always exactly right on time. His time.” Dillon Burroughs There is so much truth to this quote. I have wanted and prayed many times for things or circumstances to change and sometimes it took a LONG time in my eyes. But I...

Endings, patience and new beginnings

We are looking to close a chapter in our lives. We have lived in a wonderful home on the top of a hill with the most beautiful view of Lancaster County for 30 years. I lived on the same hill most of my life as my parents home is there also. It is a great place to...

Fall Means Homemade Applesauce

Homemade Applesauce  An apple a day keeps the doctor away. The air is crisp and the family is getting together, so its time to make applesauce. Our 30 year old Victoria strainer was having a few leaking issues so this year we got a new one. We used a NORPRO Sauce...

Quarantine Pumpkin Ornaments

Quarantine pumpkin ornaments  I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers. Anne of Green Gables Today we are looking at another project experimentation. This project started with my creative “hooker” friends. We do a project whenever we get together and...